copywriting retainer

Hire me – a 2x award-winning psycholinguist – to write your copy for you so you can reach more people and make more sales!

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why outsource your copy?

Business owners hire professional writers for a couple of different reasons:

→ First, writing copy takes time. And they realise that writing copy is usually not the highest and best use of theirs.

→ Second, they find that professional writers produce superior copy. See – copywriting is a specialist skill, and the more educated and experienced someone is, the better a result you get.

imagine if...

  • You could spend your time working within your zone of genius doing the things you ACTUALLY love and are good at, like coaching in your container or writing your next book...
  • Someone were to optmise the performance of all of your funnels, so you could make more money without having to actively market your offerings at all
  • You could approach live launches calmly and confidently, knowing your sales materials follow formulas that have been tried, tested and proven to work, over and over again
  • As a result of the above, you increased your revenue dramatically, allowing you to reinvest in your business and – better yet – pay yourself the wage you want

that's what life would look like
if I were your copywriter

Whether you need help with your one-liners, website, sales pages, social media, lead generators or email marketing I've got it and I've got you.

Given I have a PhD in psycholinguistics and over a decade's worth of experience writing high-converting copy for some of the world's best business owners and brands, I think it's fair to say that you'd be in very capable hands.

client stories


Nobody does it like you do. I love seeing you work in your genius zone.

natalie ellis of bossbabe

I don’t use this word lightly, so trust me when I say that you are a freaking genius! I am sooo grateful for how much you’ve helped me this past year. I couldn’t have done any of this without you – we’ve 10X’d my revenue in this year alone!


You are such a talented writer. I’m really grateful for how much love you pour into the I Heart my Life brand.


how it works:

  • Retain 20, 40 or 60 hours per month to redeem against tasks of your choosing, whether that's your weekly newsletter or a sales sequence for your upcoming launch.
  • Unlock access to weekly calls for an additional cost, perfect for those who need strategic, as well as executive, support.
  • Benefit from having a FULLY INTEGRATED team member who slots smoothly and seamlessly into your existing project management and team communication systems, whether that be Asana and Slack or something else!
  • Feel confident in the knowledge that I've laid all the groundwork – I offer verbal identity and messaging sessions as part of my onboarding process as these are the foundations upon which copywriting builds!

hi, i'm dr. ness

A 2x award-winning psycholinguist turned comms service provider.

Holding a PhD, I use my expert knowledge of psychology + language to help people uplevel their verbal identities, messaging, copywriting and more so they can help more people + make more money. 

The words we use have the power to MAKE or BREAK our businesses, 
and so I have made it my mission to ensure entrepreneurs talk about themselves + their offers in a way that gets them the results they want.

Since 2017 I’ve worked with some of the VERY best in the biz – bestselling authors, TED Talk speakers, content creators, influencers, reality TV personalities… even Fortune 500 companies (like Coca Cola, Amazon + Walt Disney).

What's more, I've had my work featured in major publications (like Vogue + Entrepreneur) and have a book deal with Hay House!

i pride myself on...

sounding just like you

As part of the onboarding process, I offer a verbal identity strategy session in which we consider how your brand communicates in all its spoken and written materials. We cover your brand voice (what you say and how you say it), how it shifts in tone in specific contexts (like when you're writing to entertain vs. when you're writing to educate), the grammatical conventions you use (e.g. capitalisation, contractions, abbreviations, acronyms) and so much more.

getting your message across

I also offer a messaging stategy session before we begin working together. In it, I help you:

  • describe your ideal customer in detail, so that you know them well enough to tailor a marketing message that speaks directly to them
  • identify the key challenges your ideal customer is facing and the language they use to describe their issues, so that your marketing messages will address their pain and propose solutions to it
  • clarify what makes you stand out from your competition, so that you can promote the value of your difference to potential customers

getting results

As a copywriter, I am, first and foremost, a "salesperson behind a keyboard" and I never forget this fact. It's my obligation to you, my client, that I help you gain new customers at the lowest possible cost, so whilst innovation and creativity are nice and all, I never stray too far from what's been tried, tested and proven to work by myself and all the people who've preceded me.

Instead of writing poetic prose, I dig DEEP into your products and services, uncover the reasons why consumers would want to buy those instead of other options in their categories and use those to make sales arguments so convincing that people can't help but do business with you.

I can't promise you fluff, but I can promise you sales, and I'm pretty sure I know which you'd prefer.

what kind of copywriting do you offer?

One-liners (a.k.a. concise statements you can use to pitch people your offer quickly and easily, whether that be in an elevator or in your Instagram bio)

Websites (from your about page which describes who you are and what you do in detail to your offerings page which summarises the products and services you sell, I can support you in advertising yourself and your offerings online)

Sales pages (I'll help you write long-form copy for each of your offerings that'll convert browsers to buyers like a boss)

Social media (I create content for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube that helps you attract an audience and monetise it)

Lead generators (I can support you in capturing people's info so you can market to them via email as well as social)

Nurture campaigns (why not value and build trust with regular email communication, e.g. through a weekly newsletter?)

Sales campaigns (I also write email sequences that serve a sole purpose of closing the deal, perfect for launches and funnels alike)

Pricing Options

The more hours you retain, the more money you save!




  • 20 hours of copywriting
  • Daily Slack comms
  • Weekly Zoom calls (additional cost)




  • 40 hours of copywriting
  • Daily Slack comms
  • Weekly Zoom calls (additional cost)




  • 40 hours of copywriting
  • Daily Slack comms
  • Weekly Zoom calls (additional cost)

frequently asked questions

Can't I just do it myself?

Sure! Many of my current clients USED to write their own copy, because:

→ They already had a deep understanding of their product and their markets, and thought it would be easier to use that knowledge to write their own copy, rather than take the time to explain it to a copywriter who was not as conversant in their business. SPOILER ALERT: what worked in the short term didn't work in the long term... they ended up handing things over to me in the end because they saw how much time they'd save if they did so.

→ They didn't value copywriting as a highly specialised skill. They thought that anyone could do it, not realising how different it is from regular writing and how much you need to know about human psychology.

What about my VA – should I not just hand it to her?

Assigning the copy to someone who's already working with you (like a VA) is certainly tempting.

→ First, while a freelancer may be working on half a dozen projects, the staff member could work on whatever you want whenever you want, making for potentially quicker turnaround times.

→ Second, insourced writers are typically cheaper (or appear that way, seeing as you have to handle payment for holiday and sick leave).

...but are these actually subject matter experts? No. And are you qualified to train them? Sorry – but probably not. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Copywriting is worth investing in as the return is monetary!

Do I need to book a verbal identity project or a messaging VIP day?

No, you don't have to do that. I include verbal identity and messaging strategy sessions as part of my retainer onboarding process to prepare me for writing copy. Given that these are only an hour each they don't replace my other services (priced at ÂŁ2997 and ÂŁ1997, respectively), but they will help you to bring your brand to life through words and learn how to more clearly articulate your value so your target audience actually understands why they should buy.

Do you have a day rate instead?

No, this is the only way to work with me in a copywriting capacity.

Is there a minimum term?

Yes, all my copywriting retainers have a minimum term of 3 months. After this, we will roll into a monthly contract, but you can terminate the agreement by giving 30 days' notice!

50% Complete

Two Step

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